The original aim of WorshipTime was simply to provide a Windows™ application to complement the excellent WorshipTeam™ resource. This enabled getting the songs chosen by the worship leader onto the projection PC in a few clicks. WorshipTime now also interfaces to CCLI SongSelect™.

This app is aimed at small to middle-sized churches and fellowships that may not have members who are media students. The app's developer is a member of a worship team and the sound desk team, which ensures the app gets road-tested from both ends! Other members of the sound desk team found it possible to pick up at least the basic operation of WorshipTime with five to ten minutes' training.
WorshipTime has all* the useful features that a typical small to middle-sized church needs. As well as projecting song lyrics, WorshipTime can project videos, slideshows, PowerPoint™ presentations and more.
*If you have any suggestions for improving the way a feature works, or a request for a new feature, please tell us using the Contact form.

Try It!
- Aimed at non-technical people
- Easy to use: Built-in helps in pictoral and PDF formats. Hover mouse over any control to find out what it does.
- Free to use (requires registration after installing)
- Easy to search a song in the local database or online
- Load audio and video files
- Create slideshows
- Play PowerPoint™ files
- Show Bible passages
- Record talks using the built-in audio recorder